Used in conjunction with an Gateway the Activity Sensor will read and transmit activity to the Cloud Platform
on a near real-time basis.
Activity Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: digital threshold 0.1..
Battery test Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 255 (8 bits left-aligned).
Current Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 16,383 detectable points.
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 4.095% calculated humidity.
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 4,095 detectable - calculated in lux.
Meter Count Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: digital threshold.
Moisture Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 4,095 detectable (12 bits left-aligned)
Motion Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: digital threshold 0.1..
On/Off Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: digital threshold 0.1..
Delta Pressure Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 65,535 detectable points.
4-20 mA Sensor
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 65,535 detectable points.
Temperature Sensor - Ambient
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 16,383 detectable points.
Temperature Sensor - single probe
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 4,095 detectable points
Maximum resolution on the measured electrical range: 1 Hz, 1 mm/s