Expel 90M

Discover Expel 90M: a revolutionary approach to compressed air filtration! Designed with expertise in fluid dynamics, Expel 90M optimizes filtration by eliminating the need for filter replacements.

Achieve 99.9999% performance and fully protect your pneumatic equipment from liquid water, oil emulsions, and solid particles down to 1 micron, all in a single compact unit.

Expel 90M ensures high performance throughout its entire lifespan without the need for replacement parts.

Its installation and maintenance are simplified, as it is a washable and reusable compressed air filter, fully disassemblable.

This allows you to achieve significant savings, thanks to its consumable-free technology, no external energy input, and maintaining a very low pressure drop.

Its exclusive features include a patented design compliant with ISO12500 standards, a stainless steel body and head, and an optional pressure gauge.

Want to know more ?
Expel catalog : download now
  Caractéristiques techniques d'Expel 90M : 
Flow rate
Inlet connection
Recommended temperature
Inlet temperature
Drain connection
Body materials ​
Internal materials

Battery assembly
Qty of automatic drains
Weight out of the box
Pressure drop ​
6,7 - 153 m3/hr
 1’’, 1 1/2’’ or 2’’
 1-15 bar
 0 to 80°C
SS 304
13 kg
1 bar
  Technical diagram :
Box contents: - Plastic manifold :
Content Quantity
Expel Battery 1
Mounting bracket 1

Box contents - Zinc-plated manifold :
Content Quantity
Battery 1

The company Expel​ ​

As the creator and manufacturer of the Expel compressed air filter, Original AVG is at the forefront of filtration technology. 

For over 25 years, the company has been dedicated to developing innovative solutions in the field of compressed air and filtration systems. The goal is to provide customers with high-value-added solutions.

 Learn more about Original AVG  

Explore our other Expel filters

Our components :

Peri robotic
All fluid